
“I hope the millions of people I’ve touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and persevere with a positive attitude.” ~Michael Jordan

October’s Superpower is Optimism!

  • Optimism is ability to look on the more favorable side of situations; positive attitude; cheerfulness.
  • Optimism is the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things.
  • Optimism is a habit of expecting things to turn out for the best.

You have the power to look on the positive side. You have a choice on how you live your life and how you view your situation. We also can help others to look on the bright side. These two videos are great reminders:

  1. It’s a choice to be optimistic.
  2. Jessica’s Affirmations
Our book of the month, An Angel for Solomon Singer, demonstrates optimism.

  • What are Solomon Singer’s dreams? What do all of his dreams have in common?
  • How do his dreams make him feel? Why does Solomon become happier by the end of the story, even though most of his dreams have not come true?
  • Do dreams really come true at the Westway Café? Explain your answer.What does this story tell you about the idea of home?

Remember Mr. Onativia’s optimistic words, “I choose to be happy. I choose to look at the good. I possess the qualities to be happy and successful.”

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