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I am so excited to say our whole class has grown so much, both as learners and as citizens of William O. Schaefer! After some reflection, I began to realize that using our class “bucket” (You can read all about bucket filling in the book How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer) to encourage hard work and excellent behavior would be more beneficial to our classroom community than having individual buckets. Now, students’ individual behaviors don’t just put tickets in their buckets – they contribute “drops” to our entire class. The children love working together and helping each other, so I think this is a great way to foster team work and to really allow students to be proud of their behaviors (I mean, at least I would be pretty proud if I personally helped the whole class!). If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at bbookman@socsd.org.

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